

30 Mar



This week, we’re continuing our working from home community streams!

Members of the community team will be live during our regularly scheduled times, broadcasting from their homes to connect with you and enjoy some casual Warframe gameplay!

These at-home streams won’t have the same production value as our usual streams, but they will have the same Warframe, fun times, and familiar faces! Looking forward to squadding up with you.

Join us at twitch.tv/warframe or ...

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27 Mar



Get your Warframes and weapons ready. Missions award twice the Affinity this weekend!

The Double Affinity Weekend is live Friday, March 27 at 2:00 PM ET - Monday, March 30 at 2:00 PM ET on all platforms!

This boost is only available for a limited time. Enjoy ranking up your gear, Tenno!


The winning theme is ...

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24 Mar



Play tricks on your enemies before decimating them as the terrifying temptress, Titania Prime. The mischievous pixie arrives with the Pangolin Prime, Corinth Prime and more!


Titania Prime
Tempting and terrifying, this is Titania in her ultimate form.

Pangolin Prime
Honoring one of the first Tenno clans, their house sword has been beautifully redesigned. With each killing thrust one can almost hear it sing.

Corinth Prime
Heavy in the hand with a bone-crunching kickback. This shotgun has two firing modes: buckshot and grenade projectile.

Titania Prime Glyphs
Display your Titania Pri...

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The first Operation of 2020 is in development for Nintendo Switch! We are grabbing everything from the recently released 27.3.0 update on PC, which of course includes Operation: Scarlet Spear and much more! We will also be grabbing Hotfixes that will be going live on PC over the next while that address bugs and bring changes necessary to improving the Operation and anything else that needs polish. 

Once we have sent it to Cert we will update this thread with the news and include the total download size so that you have time to manage space if needed. Now let's get into what you can expect with Operation: Scarlet Spear: 27.3.0. 

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These graphical issues will be fixed in the next update! Thanks again for providing screenshots.


This bug was fixed in Update 27.2.2! Thanks again for your reports:


Made fixes towards matchmaking and network issues occurring when your Switch resumes from sleep mode


20 Mar


We have closed the Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas and reviewed all submissions to choose the Top 10! Design Council voting has begun and closes on Thursday, March 26. The theme with the most votes will become the next community-created Warframe!

Top 10 Themes:

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Thank you so much for sharing your creative ideas with us! It was a pleasure to read your ideas for lore and admire your art.

We have reviewed all of your submission and chosen the Top 10 Warframe Theme ideas. Design Council voting has begun and closes on Thursday, March 26! The theme with the most votes will become the next community-created Warframe.

Here are the Top 10 Themes:

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3 minutes ago, Raitoning said:

Must it be a recreation of an existing duo (video game character, super hero/villain, etc..) or it can just be a simple captura of your Warframe and Operator ?

An existing duo, please! 🙂



Good things come in twos! For this contest, we want to see dynamic duos and partners in crime. Dress up your Warframe and another Warframe or Operator as a famous duo and take a Captura image of the pair!

This contest is inspired by NeoRetro10K’s incredible Metroid Prime Warframe and Operator pairing on the Warframe Subreddit! Check it out here.

How to ente...

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Hotfix #2
Along with the fix listed below this Hotfix includes behind the scene changes for an upcoming release.

  • Fixed Amesha's Warding Grace not slowing Railjack enemies as reported here:  


We’re ringing in 2020’s First Mainline with a Double Affinity Weekend Friday, March 20 at 9:00AM ET - Monday, March 23 at 9:00AM ET!

Check out all that’s been reviewed, revised, and refreshed while leveling your gear at double the speed.

Get ready to squad up and conquer your missions!



We’re ringing in 2020’s First Mainline with a Double Affinity Weekend Friday, March 20 at 9:00AM ET - Monday, March 23 at 9:00AM ET!

Check out all that’s been reviewed, revised, and refreshed while leveling your gear at double the speed.

Get ready to squad up and conquer your missions!



We’re ringing in 2020’s First Mainline with a Double Affinity Weekend Friday, March 20 at 9:00AM ET - Monday, March 23 at 9:00AM ET!

Check out all that’s been reviewed, revised, and refreshed while leveling your gear at double the speed.

Get ready to squad up and conquer your missions!

18 Mar


Thank you for the images and added detail! We're investigating these Dojo bugs now



On March 31, Ivara Prime Prowls out of Prime Access!

This is your last chance to get instant access to Ivara Prime, Baza Prime, Aksomati Prime and exclusive Cosmetics.

Ivara Prime Access

  • Ivara Prime: As regal and lethal as a nighttime wood, this is the queen of the hunt in her ultimate form.
  • Baza Prime: The Orokin-engineered definition of silent lethality.
  • Aksomati Prime: The elegant Aksomati precisely refined to its ultimate manifestation.
  • Ivara Prime Glyphs: Display your Ivara Prime loyalty

Ivara Prime Accessories

  • Apavada Prime Syandana
  • ...
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Fixed in today's Hotfix!


Fixed Revive text saying to hold A to revive when it should say to hold Y to revive



Hotfix #1: 

  • Fixed Revive text saying to hold A to revive when it should say to hold Y to revive
  • Fixed bindings not working in the Railjack customization screen